(Westcove iseshima marina)
(株式会社 新SYH)



For visitors from abroad

For visitors from abroad


 Welcome! from the friendly staff of the Marina


    Marina Office:

Opening hours         : 8:00—17:00 except Wednesday

Address                     : 3113 Funakoshi, Minami-Ise-Cho, Watarai-Gun,

                                     Mie-Ken, Zip code 516-0109

                                   ( 34°19.550'N /  136°41.130'E )

E-mail Address        : shima-yacht-harbor@vocshima.jp

Telephone                 : 0599-66-0933 (+81-599-66-0933 from abroad)

Fax.                            : 0599-66-0341


   Access: See Fig.1 and Table 2.

·         Telephone the Marina Office approximately half an hour before your arrival. Marina staff may meet you and guide you in by boat. (except on Wednesday).

·         Do not try to navigate the access at night as it is dangerous.


    Facilities: see Fig.2 for Facility Arrangement

·         Berths: Boats up to 15m (50ft) LOA and up to 4m draft can be accommodated.

·         Hall Out: Boats up to 13.5m (45ft) LOA (depending upon the bottom shape) can be hauled out.

·         Full Repair and Maintenance Services: The marina and local contractors provide a full range of services including mechanical, sail making, engine repair, refrigeration, bottom painting, electrical, instrumentation repairs etc.  



a.    Courtesy transport:

·         Local transport: Upon request, Marina staff will drive you to a nearby super market, DIY store, or the public bus stop.

·         Loaner car: A free small loaner car is available. You must have and show your international driver’s license. The car may be borrowed for a maximum of one hour and distance is limited to travel to nearby Gokasho Town.


b.    Courtesy hot showers:

·          Available from 7:00 to 22:00 at no charge, but please take care not to waste water.


c.     Diesel, Gasoline and propane charging

·         Available at the Marina. (Ask Marina staff).


d.    Courtesy rubbish disposal:

·         Rubbish, separated into glass bottles, metal cans, PET bottles, and combustibles (waste foods, papers, plastics, etc.) may be placed in the appropriate recycle bins on the Marina dock.


e.    Coin Laundry:

·         Two coin operated washing machines and two clothes dryers are located near the entrance to the Shower and Toilet Building. The washing machine is 200yen per load and the dryer is 100yen for 30 minutes. Please make sure you rinse saltwater off your clothes with fresh water before using the washing machines.


f.     Courtesy domestic parcel service:

·         The Marina will send and receive parcels for you. Please make arrangements with the staff at the Marina office.


g.    Hotel style accommodation:

·         Eight comfortable western style and four comfortable Japanese style rooms are available. Check in is 15:00 and check out 10:00.


h.   Café&BBQ Facility :

·         Breakfast: Enjoy a morning set, 700yen.

·         Lunch: Enjoy noodle, pilaf, 500~800yen.

·         Dinner or BBQ, please ask Marina staff.

·         Drinks: Enjoy beer (500yen), and soft drinks.


i.     Courtesy Wi-Fi:

·         Wi-fi is available free of charge. The service covers the Marina office and veranda restaurant area, or further depending your device. Ask the Marina staff for a password.


j.     Electricity and Water:

·         The berth fee covers the use of 100VAC, 60Hz, 15A Max power outlet and water tap located at each berth. Please try not to waste electricity or water.


 Berthing fees excluding tax (8%):

·         Monohull Single Berth is 2000yen/day for the first three days for boats with a beam less than 5m, regardless of boat length. Boats with a beam greater than 5m are 3000yen/day.

·         Catamaran Single Berth is 4000yen/day for the first three days.

·         After the initial three day period, please see the table 1 below:

Boats with a beam greater than 5m are 150%, and Catamarans are 200% of the prices shown in the table.


 Hotel style accommodation rates including tax:

·         5,000yen / person / night for visitors.

·         3,500yen for VOC member’s guests.



                ·     Shima Yacht Harbor is not an entry port. The closest entry 

                      ports are Owase Port and Yokkaichi Port.
                      You need to clear customs at an entry port and also obtain    

                      necessary permission to cruise in Japan before arriving at 

                      Shima Yacht Harbor.



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Table 1.

Table 1.
Berth Prices for Visitors after initial three days
LOA After 3 days 1 month 6 months 1 year
Less than 10m ¥2,000/day ¥60,000 ¥360,000 ¥720,000
¥2,200/day ¥65,400 ¥392,400 ¥784,800
12m ¥2,400/day ¥70,800 ¥424,800 ¥849,600
¥2,600/day ¥76,200 ¥457,200 ¥914,400
14m ¥2,800/day ¥81,600 ¥489,600 ¥979,200
15m ¥3,000/day ¥87,000 ¥522,000 ¥1,044,000
16m ¥3,200/day ¥92,400 ¥554,400 ¥1,108,800



Table 2.

Table 2.
Latitude and Longitude of Marina's Access Route's Waypoints


<<株式会社 新SYH>> 〒516-0109 三重県度会郡南伊勢町船越3113 TEL:0599-66-0933 FAX:0599-66-0341